Justin Bieber Fans are Crying Everywhere..

According to sources one of "Biebs"  "Super Crazy Fan Girls" got past his security and got to close to him at a backstage meet & greet;    Which of course that's where people pay to be in his presence and to be able to talk and take pictures.  So I'm thinking to myself she paid to be back there, who care's if you don't like her.
This event of course has suddenly left Justin Bieber feeling uneasy to where he 'sdone with meet and greet's completely.  Sources said Justin once caught the Flu from a Meet and greet and basically that his fans makes him sick and he's done with yawl to sum it up.  I'm not going to sugar coat it, alright. 
If you bought a meet a greet pass be expecting an email from your vendor offering you a Refund.  He's  Bigger then Satan, so he says.  I'm not about to argue for Satan, now if he'd of said God or Jesus that's when I'd of had the problem.  #ImJustSaying if anything this shirt will expose a lot of people's mind frames in reference to what points they argue.  I'd like to believe so.
Justin describes the interactions  at these event's as draining and depressing. I could understand that response after years of doing them. It was his delivery of why he wouldn't be doing it any more.  To point out an over zealous fan who apparently paid her way her in's presence to be one of the reason's. 
That's ridiculous I'm not upset I just think it was demeaning because he could be talking about any one of you broads in these cities he's been visiting.  He's on tour.=.

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